Daisypath Graduation tickers

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Online Reading Assessment

So, today I found this site that tests a child's reading level. http://www.readingkey.com/athena/en/trialTest.php When she came home today, I did the test with her. She reads words on a 4th grade level! 4th grade in the 2nd month is where she can read words at correctly, and did better than 82% of other kids that took this test in the same grade and month as her. Past that, she doesn't get it and stumbles and butchers the words. I knew she was well above kindergarten, but sheesh! Brandon isn't surprised since she has read difficult words out of books before, and can read out of the Book of Mormon fairly well too. And at the 3rd quarter conference last early March, her teacher said she was close to getting into first grade level. Her teacher doesn't have a clue! Not to mention she "came into kindergarten not knowing how to sound out any words." Um, excuse me, but my child was sounding out three letter words since she was 3 years old!

Not sure what she reads at school, but for homework she has brought home these twaddle books that say nothing but, "My cat can. My cat can run.". . . .oh, please! She hates having to read those, but she has to also draw a picture about it and write three sentences, so she has to. How in the world can you draw and write about a "book" that has NO plot, and make it interesting? This week, she doesn't have to draw and write about the book she brought. . .just read it and talk to a parent about it. I think we'll skip the "baggie book" (that's what her teacher calls them, she sends them in a zip lock bag) this week! Especially since it looks like this Friday will be her last day of public before I transfer her back to homeschool anyway. We'll read a more challenging book instead! One with a plot!

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